Friday, 22 February 2008

Paul Collier talks about the Bottom Billion

This is an excellent talk about the bottom billion by Paul Collier, economist and author of the book of the same name (the book is on my amazon list of Books about ending global poverty). Unfortunately I had a problem seeing the video on the website but there is an audio file that can be downloaded from the Policy Innovations web site.

Paul Collier states that we need to move beyond aid and refers to policy instruments for tackling global poverty. In this talk he ellaborates on the policy instrument of governance and how to turn resources into sustained development. He also describes 5 key decision points for developing countries and how these should be adopted as voluntary international standards.

The 5 key decision points he raises are:
1. How to sell rights to mineral extraction (currently based on bribes)
2. Taxing revenues (guidance on tax regimes)
3. How much of the revenue to save
4. What to do with revenue saved (invest well domestically)
5. Efficient rate of return (how to determine estimates with international verification)

I look forward even more to reading The Bottom Billion after hearing Paul Collier talk about his ideas. A good point that he makes in closing his talk, which is relevant to many similar books is:

read it, if you agree with it, become ambassadors for the ideas

Links to the article and audio file:
The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It
The Bottom Billion - Paul Collier (audio file)

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Afghanistan's Girl Gap

Nothing gives principal Suraya Sarwary more pleasure than the sound of her second-grade girls reciting a new lesson out loud. Six years ago, that sound could have gotten her executed. The Taliban had outlawed education for girls, but a few brave teachers taught them in secret.

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